Monday, August 3, 2009

Another long day..................

today is a very very very long day for me...i wake up at 7.45am and p tennis...malas betoi nk bangun n p tennis...few time snooze baru terjaga coz last nite i slept late dok baca novel....masa smp tennis court, i sleep dalam keta around 10mins b4 i kuaq dari super duper sleepy macam orang yg tak tido 5 hari...huhuhuh...

as usual,masa main,penat yang teramat...main half bakoi,stop 5mins...i manage 2 play 1 setengah bakoi ja sb penat x tahan dah....after main tennis,my Dear and me p food court kat ferry makan nasi lemak....nasi lemak kat sana memang PERH!!!! sedap gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....

kat tepi stall nasi lemak tuh, ada 1 stall dok repair hp,so since my Dear nnk tukaq housing,dia pon bg la his hp untuk di tukaq housing....he say the hp will be ready in 30mins after makan,km pon p la tgk samada hp dh siap...tgk2 blom kami pon take a walk p little india..konon2 macam tourist la...1st time i jalan2 kt dalam little india tuh...thx Dear sb teman i jalan2 kat sana...masa jalan2 tuh,km pon masuk la few shops to shop...i sempat beli 2 hindi dvd...entah tajuk apa,dh lupa....pusing2 dh hbs,km pon balik p kedai tuh tgk samada hp dh siap...tgk2,hp x siap lg...den dia dok kerobek2,still x ok....lps dia buat smp sim card block,dia siap kata hp tuh ada problem mcm2...padahal masa hantaq all ok..den dia dok suh kami tukaq macam2 untuk tat so piss off d....he kept saying tat,ikot nasib...if tukaq ok,hp ok...but now nasib x baik,hp xok...monyet betoi tat sooooooo angry,i marah la dia...den i really cnot stand him nemore,i jz walk off n my Dear deal wif tat stupid man....last2, memang tat man yang salah,not the hp....k,part hp dh habis....

now dah sampai umah plak...i reach home around 1.30pm....i ada date dengan ana nak kuaq pkoi 2pm sb nak p tgk movie setem...masa nak mandi,tgk2 main paip air kena tutup sb my kitchen dok renovate...hadoi...macam mana dok mandi ni...xkan x mandi nk p tgk movie....den i mauk toilet,ada air dalam kolah,i mandi few cebok,den cuci muka,shampoo n sabun,dh buat semua ni baru mandi cuci all the sabun....

2.15pm ana come n fetch me...we went to queensbay to watch movie...setem was awesome!!! lawak gila....hbs watch movie, i masuk jusco beli barang skit,den masuk secret recipe,i bought 4 slices of cakes...malangnya today is monday n NO plastic bag today!!! hadoi....from queensbay, ana n me went to ana's cousin hse,after 30mins kt sana,she send me back super duper tired masa odw balik...macam nk tido ja dalam keta ana...

and TONITE, i wanna sleep early....

GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!

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